
Spring brings rain and rain brings spiders. Wet weather drives spiders to seek shelter, and sometimes that shelter is your home. No one enjoys spiders in their house, so we’re here to help you identify, prevent, and treat for any spiders that try to take up residence in your home this spring.

Common spiders in North Carolina include wolf spiders, fishing spiders, black and yellow garden spiders, brown recluse spiders, and black widow spiders.

The first three spiders can bite, but the worst you will get is a painful bitemark. Wolf spiders are large and can be gray, black, or brown. Black and yellow garden spiders, despite their name, can still wind up in your home. They are bright yellow with black markings and legs. Fishing spiders are especially common in homes near water, with a 3 inch leg span. These brown spiders are alarming in size, but are harmless to humans.

Brown recluse spiders are not native to North Carolina, but have found their way into our state. They can be confused with wolf spiders or fishing spiders, but the brown recluse leaves a bite that turns into large sores. Brown recluses can be identified by a dark brown violin shaped marking on their back, with the neck of the violin pointing to the rear end of its body.

Black widow spiders are shiny and black with a bright red marking on their underside. Their bite is the most toxic one in the country. The main symptom of a black widow bite is muscle pain, but symptoms can include nausea, tremors, breathing difficulties, fever, and more.

In addition to preventing bites, there are other reasons for not wanting spiders in your home in the springtime. Baby spiders, like many other species, are born in the spring. This means that it is important to stay diligent with your pest control during the winter, especially with spiders. A spider or two in your home in December could mean an entire family of spiders in your home by April.

Strategies for keeping spiders out of your home include preventing moisture and debris buildup, sealing your doors and windows, and trimming shrubs and trees away from your home. Should you find signs that 8-legged pests may move into your home, contact the pest control experts at May Exterminating for same day service.