
Calling a pest management provider is the first step in handling a pest problem, but there is more you can do.  To keep your home or business free from pests and their unpleasant consequences, follow these tips from May Exterminating after the technician leaves. 

Eliminate Points of Entry

Pests can enter you home through the smallest holes and cracks.  Inspect the interior and exterior for potential access points, and plug any openings.

Visually inspect the entire outside of your home for cracks, crevices, and gaps. Check door and window casings.   Check for cracks in the  foundation.  Look for loose siding, missing roof shingles, and openings around incoming utility lines, pipes, and cable wiring.  Don’t forget to inspect dryer vents, exhaust fans, crawl spaces, soffits, fascia, roof vents, and chimney caps.  You can use copper mesh, coarse steel wood, sheet metal or mortar to seal openings in these areas.

Wood chips and mulch near your home provides an ideal shelter for pests.  Consider replacing it with pebbles or another less pest-inviting ground covering.  

Once inside, inspect in, under and behind the kitchen cabinets, refrigerator, stove, between the floor and wall junctures, and around pipes. Don’t forget to clean and maintain the sinks, tubs, and laundry rooms; they often accumulate dust, soap scum and other materials which can provide a breeding ground. Clean them after each use to remove build-up.

Keep the Kitchen Clean

“A place for everything, and everything in its place” is a great motto for keeping a clean kitchen.  Pests are searching for food and shelter, your kitchen is a prime target because it offers both.   

Food should be stored in resealable bags or plastic containers to keep from attracting mice and bugs.  Clean out any stale or uneaten foods.  Wash dirty dishes.  If you are using a dishwasher, remove any food that may have fallen off dishes or silverware. If you hand wash dishes using a dish cloth, rinse it thoroughly and make sure it is free of any food residue.   Putting a damp cloth in the microwave for one minute will kill bacteria.  You can also use a sponge and toss it in hot water with a little bleach to kill bacteria in between replacement sponges.  Make sure to clean meal prep areas like counter tops, cutting boards, and any gadgets you use.

Eliminate Standing Water

Since water serves as a breeding ground and drinking source for pests, make sure to remove standing water in your sinks, bathtubs, showers, and everywhere you can.  If you spill something clean it up right away.

Outdoors, make sure planters, trashcans, and recycle bins are free of standing water. 

Reduce Clutter

You can help keep pests out of your home and yard by reducing places that provide shelter for them.  Areas of clutter provide useful resources for pests and encourage them to return.   

Stacks of paper, old furniture, and old boxes are all examples of desirable shelters for pests.  These areas help them go unnoticed and can lead to bigger problems. Try to remove old, unused items instead of letting them lie undisturbed for extended periods. 

Pests lay eggs in carpets and in small areas near corners and baseboards.  Cleaning these areas reduces their chances of being successful. 


Simply sealing, cleaning and de-cluttering your home makes it more enjoyable for you and your family, but it also can help keep pests from taking up residence between quarterly visits.  If you have a pest problem, call our team to properly handle it for you.